Monday, May 16, 2011

Julius Caesar: Consul

Finally, I have become consul with much help from Crassus and Pompey, the other two members of the triumverate. I shall make my year in consul, 59 B.C., a year to remember. Thank you who elected me consul and, of course, Crassus and Pompey. I will not let you down as consul!


  1. I look forward to having such a wonderful consul like you. This will certainly be a year to remember. I hope this does not lead to a bad chain of events that will eventually kill you...

    The Assassination of Julius Caesar, 44 BC. Eye Witness History,, 17 May 2011

  2. I hope that you will do great as consul of Rome, and you are welcome for helping you become the consul. I hope that we can stay great political partners.

    Baker, Rosalie F., and Charles F. Baker III. Ancient Romans. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.

  3. Isn't it odd how your friends turn out to be your mortal enemies?

  4. Thank you for your encouraging words, Andronicus Fructosis. I do hope that me being consul does not lead to my death, as well.

  5. Crassus thank you once again for helping me become consul. I, great Julius Caesar, have managed to do so much already partially thanks to people like you. I hope I always have reliable supporters.

  6. Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus Africanus Numantinus, it is simply what happens when men become eager for power. They begin to mistrust each other and break alliances to become all-powerful.
