Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Caesar Crosses the Rubicon

It is the year 49 B.C. I have crossed the Rubicon; there is no turning back now as "the die has been cast." By crossing the Rubicon, I realize I have defied the Senate and started a civil war. However, the Senate wants me to have less power and to let the power remain with Pompey, which I cannot allow. Why should Pompey have more power than me. I have done for Rome after all; I will be greater for Rome. If anyone does not understand why I would disobey the Senate, remember this "If you must break the law, do it to seize power: in all other cases observe it."


  1. I believe that what you are doing is okay to do. I think that it was a good thing that you crossed the Rubicon. I was reading about you in a great book by Suetonis called, THE TWELVE CAESARS, and it showed me many great things about you. It also gave me a quote that you liked to say that I thought was very inspiring. " Is crime constant with nobility? Then noblest is the crime of tyranny, In all things else obey the laws of Heaven. "

    Tranquillius, Gaius S. The Twelve Caesars. New York: Penguin Books, 1979.

    Description: A great primary source that told many great things about Caesar and his friends.

  2. I think it is great that you have crossed the Rubicon. I have known you for a long time, and believe that you, as my son does too, will do everything for Rome.

    No author. "Was Caesar the Father of Brutus?.", 18 May 2011.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. There is one major difference between me and you. I as an emperor never came into any major war unlike you came into an Civil from crossing the Rubicon. I think that crossing the Rubicon was a very difficult dicision and I think you constructed Rome and suprised Rome. Without you great Caesar I may never have become a emperor and without you your son Augustus would not be able to teach me the skills and expierence needed to become an emperor.
    There is one difference that I would like to point out to you between me and you. If I may say one thing to you great and mighty Caesar. I come to tell you that I realize one major difference between me and you. One thing if I may point out great and noble Caesar is that; I come to tell you that I have ruled peacefully without a war. This might have not have happended if you did not cross the Rubicon.
    Fagan, G. Garrett. Tiberius., Accessed on April 29th, and May 3rd 2011

  5. However, if I had not cross the Rubicon, I would never have been able to gain power, Nero. I would have had to disband my troops and return home because people feared I was becoming to be too powerful. Honestly, I did not want to have to cause a war, but it was necessary if I wanted to continue completing my dream for Rome.

  6. Thank you, Crassus and Servilia. However, Crassus, I think your memory must be a bit faded because our triumverate has fallen apart, and we have become enemies. I do wish we were friends once more, but I think now it is too late for that.
