Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Julius Caesar Assasination

Today, my wife, Calphurnia, had a nightmare prophecising my death. She begs me not to go to the Curia (Senate House). However, I, great Caesar, cannot be prevented from doing what I must just to suit my wife's whims. "I love the name of honor, more than I fear death." Therefore I go now. Vale!

Dictator for Life

Finally, I have absolute power! I, great Caesar, have been officially declared "dictator for life" in the year 45 B.C. Now, the Senate can no longer hold me back from making Rome as great as possible (and me from doing whatever brings me the most benefit.) This year will be one to remember and the year(s) to come as well.

Caesar Crosses the Rubicon

It is the year 49 B.C. I have crossed the Rubicon; there is no turning back now as "the die has been cast." By crossing the Rubicon, I realize I have defied the Senate and started a civil war. However, the Senate wants me to have less power and to let the power remain with Pompey, which I cannot allow. Why should Pompey have more power than me. I have done for Rome after all; I will be greater for Rome. If anyone does not understand why I would disobey the Senate, remember this "If you must break the law, do it to seize power: in all other cases observe it."

Monday, May 16, 2011

Caesar Conquers Gaul

I, with my troops, have finally conquered Gaul! Rome is victorious. Despite the fact that conquering Gaul took several years, we have finally succeeded. I must thank my troops for being so loyal and devoted. We pu muh time and effort into doing this, but as a result, we have come out on top! Conquering Gaul will have great benefits for Rome (and myself.)

Julius Caesar in Gual

Julius Caesar's Campaigns in Gaul
Now the year 58 B.C., I have become governor of Gaul as I appointed myself to becoming so. My goal is to conquer Gaul in order to bring more fame, power, and prosperity to Rome. I know that a long, difficult journey lies ahead, but nothing is too great of a challenge for I, Julius Caesar, to overcome for the sake of Rome!

Julius Caesar: Consul

Finally, I have become consul with much help from Crassus and Pompey, the other two members of the triumverate. I shall make my year in consul, 59 B.C., a year to remember. Thank you who elected me consul and, of course, Crassus and Pompey. I will not let you down as consul!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

First Triumverate

The First Triumvirate (two pictures of each person)
Civil War had recently occurred in Rome; however, with the triumverate that Pompey, Crassus, and I have just formed together, we shall seize power in Rome. And with that power, we shall make Rome great and stop this civil war. I believe that this year, 60 B.C., shall be the mark of the beginning of great success.

Julius Caesar: Governor of Further Spain

Spain under ancient Roman control
It is now the year 61 B.C., and I have finally become the governor of Further Spain. I am looking forward to all the great things that lie ahead.

Julius Caesar: Pontifex Maximus

Domus Publica: home of the Pontifex Maximus

My fellow Roman citizens, I would like to announce that I, Julius Caesar, have been recently elected as the pontifex maximus, or the high Roman priest, in the year 63 A. D. This is truly a great honor for me, and I will not disappoint my dear Roman friends.